11 September 2008

It's all about timing.

Some people have great timing. Others, not so great. I don't know if it was planned for this to come out at the same time as Lance announcing his grand return to cycling, or if it was just a case of extremely bad timing, but it was announced in Velonews today that Floyd Landis, winner of the 2006 Tour de France, and subsequent disgraced loser of the same title because of a doping scandal is planing his return to cycling in 2009 as well. He is in talks with the HealthNet-Maxxis squad for a return to racing after his suspension ends in February 2009. HealthNet-Maxxis is a pro continental squad - which means that he won't be racing in any of the grand tours.

Personally, I think it's great that he is coming back. I hope that people give him a chance to get back out there and prove himself. Other cyclists that have done wrong and served their time are back in the peleton, David Millar admitted to doping, served his time, and is now one of the more vocal proponents of anti-doping measures. Tyler Hamilton was found guilty of doping, even though he still claims his innocence. Now he is the wearer of the stars and stripes jersey this next year for winning the US Pro road championship.

1 comment:

Kelly Hill said...

This life is all about fixing our mistakes and moving forward. I'm excited to see they're taking something bad and making it better. Way to go, guys!