04 May 2008

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

A couple of posts ago, I mentioned Elden Nelson and his blog, Fat Cyclist. Since I found it, his blog has been one of my favorite reads. Recently his wife, Susan has been diagnosed with cancer, and Friday, they received some absolutely devastating news about her condition.

I have never formally met Elden - since we ride the same roads, and both live in north Utah county there is a chance that I have seen him - even though I don't know him, I wanted to say that my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family at this time. Not many of us can say that we know what the Nelsons are going through right now. I can't even imagine how it would be to have a doctor tell you that your wife only has months, possibly less to live. I wouldn't want to even try to think how I would react if I was the one receiving news like that. And what must Susan be going through? Finding out that all of the fighting and struggling she has been going through for the past year, all of the chemo and the days of sickness because of that treatment didn't help.

I hope the readers of my blog will include Elden and his family in their thoughts and prayers as they deal with this incredibly difficult and devastating chapter in their lives.

1 comment:

Kelly Hill said...

That is so incredibly sad! We don't have to know people to have a soft spot for such things. Our prayers will definitely be directed toward the Nelsons in hope that they'll be comforted at this time.