16 August 2008

Tour of Utah,Stage 3 - up close and personal.

To start off with, here are the results of stage 3

1 Ricardo Escuela 53 Successful Living.com P/B Parkpre 01:03:40
2 Fred Rodriguez 46 Rock Racing 01:03:40
3 Jonnie Clarke 93 Toyota-United 01:03:40
4 Blake Caldwell 162 Garmin/Chipotle presented by H3O 01:03:40
5 Oscar Sevilla Rivera 44 Rock Racing 01:03:40
6 Jason Donald 163 Garmin/Chipotle presented by H3O 01:03:40
7 Tom Peterson* 166 Garmin-Chipotle presented by H3O 01:03:40
8 Matt Wilson 157 Team Type 1 01:03:40
9 Cesar Grajales 42 Rock Racing 01:03:40
10 Cody O'Reilly 55 Successful Living.com P/B Parkpre 01:03:40

Leader: Blake Caldwell, Garmin/Chipotle
Complete Standings Coming Soon

Best Utah Rider: Nate Page, Canyon Bicycles Utah All-Stars
Complete Standings

Sprint Leader: Bradley White, SuccessfulLiving.com
Complete Standings

King of the Mountain: Glen Chadwick, Team Type 1
Complete Standings

Best Young Rider: Peter Stetina, Garmin/Chipotle
Complete Standings

Now for the rest of the story.
I was fortunate enough to get a media pass for this year's Tour of Utah. Because of work and family obligations, Friday was the only stage that I was able to attend. This is the first time that I was able to attend anything of this nature in this capacity. It was truly incredible to be that close to the action, and to the riders at the podium. Enough talking, how about some pictures.

The magic pass

The circus that is Rock Racing. Most of the other teams had one, maybe 2 vans and cars. Rock had a team bus, semi, two Esclades, and a Cadillac car

Michael Ball, the owner of Rock Racing and purveyor of Rock & Republic jeans. You can almost feel the arrogance through the computer. The man in the suit behind him is one of his two bodyguards.

Here is the rest of the rider's village

Chris Stuart with Team Bob's-Bicycles signing in before the stage

And we're off!

The peleton coming directly towards me!

Sometimes you just need to take a drink

Here is the sprint for the finish. Ricardo Escuela, followed closely by "Fast Freddy" Rodriquez

Here is the podium for stage 3, Escuela, Rodriguez and Clarke

The GC leader, and yellow jersey wearer, Blake Caldwell

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