02 January 2009

New Year's Day

I actually kept one of my resolutions this year! It was a small one, but I still did it. I went on a New Year's Day bike ride.

When I regained conciousness yesterday morning - I didn't drink New Year's Eve, but I still felt like I had a raging hangover from all of the food I ate - I doubted that I would, in fact, make it out on a ride. Kelly, my dear sweet wife helped by getting us rounded up and heading home with enough time for me to make it out. We got home at about 1:30, and I made it out around 2:30 for a two hour, 18 mile ride.

The weather cooperated, with temperatures in the high 30's and a lack of snow falling from the sky. It felt really good being out on the bike. I haven't been on any bike, not even the trainer for about two weeks, and it felt refreshing being on a bike outdoors.

I took the mountain bike, and rode the new bike path from the town center to the Ranches. It was nice being away from the traffic. Three cars honked at me, and where I would take offense at it if I was on the road, I smilled and flashed them the "rock on" sign.

Fashion is subjective when you are dealing with keeping warm. Here I am at my turn around point, the Maverick in the Ranches. I ran into a friend who stopped to get a Mtn. Dew and I had him take my picture.

The city recently finished this really nice bike path, separated from the road that runs from the elementary school in town center all the way up to the Maverick at the entrance to the Ranches, about 8 miles total. The path had been plowed and kept relatively free of snow.

The requisite "hold the camera at arm's length and take a self portrait". Since I was on the bike path, separated from the cars, I felt secure listening to my iPod while I rode.

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