24 January 2009

Warning, picture from the 80's ahead!!

Don't say that you weren't warned...

My mom dug this out of one of her old photo albums for me. That's me (the dorky looking one on the right) and Hoover, an Indian placement student that we hosted back in the 80's.

What can we learn from this picture? My shorts were WAY too high, and tight. I was a total nerd, and my obsession with bicycles is not a new thing. That bike was my favorite posession back then. I collected aluminum cans to recycle for the money to buy the bike. Yes, that is a steering wheel on the bike Hoover is on, and yes it is fun to ride. I still have it, I should restore it one of these days.


Kelly Hill said...

Thank you so much for describing which of you was you. I actually would have guessed that the little black-haired, dark-skinned Navajo was you, but I'm not the brightest.

Love you...

Anonymous said...

Those were fun days !!! When Kendall and Hoover played "Cowboys and Indians", Hoover always opted to be the "Indian".

Anonymous said...

I always thought that was "type casting". But what do I know !!??!!