This was taken back in July 1981 at a family reunion. from left to right, Dad, Mom, D'Arcy, me, Mike, and Joan.
Tomorrow morning Kelly, my mom and I are boarding an airplane and flying to New Hampshire for a week to see my brother Mike. Those of you who have read Kelly's blog already know that Mike has just recently been diagnosed with cancer, and the outlook doesn't look good. Last Wednesday, he went in to the hospital, and they removed one of his kidneys, and took some cancerous tissue from his back muscles.
I am looking forward to the trip with equal amounts of excitement and aprehension; I am excited to go back to New England, because I have never been there before, and I am excited to see my brother and his family. But I am also nervous to see my brother and his family. It has been about 28 years since I have seen Mike. I don't expect a negative reception, but I don't really know what to expect. I am, for all intents and purposes, going to meet a total stranger for the first time. I also don't know what state Mike is going to be in when we get there. D'Arcy, my other brother, has been calling us to keep us up to date on Mike's status and he said that they believe that he will be released from the hospital on Monday. As I told Kelly when we planned this trip, we have no idea what condition Mike will be in when we get there, but this trip is long overdue. Fortunately we aren't having to pack dress clothes for a funeral.
Sorry for the rambling. I have so many thoughts on this, and I have wanted to get them out since I first got that call from D'Arcy last month. Please keep my brother and his family in your prayers as they go through this ordeal.
As we are deciding not to take any computers with us, we won't be updating any blogs. I will be able to update my twitter and facebook feeds from my phone, so expect some updates and pictures there. When we get back I'm sure that both Kelly and I will have full posts up about our visit.
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