And if you came back after that, you saw the same strip. Yehuda Moon's creator Rick Smith put the strip on hiatus for a while while he took care of some personal things, and got caught up, and probably ahead, on what is undoubtedly a huge undertaking of producing a daily comic strip.
Since then, Rick has posted a few "filler" strips, just to let us know that Yehuda isn't gone for good. Today there was this strip:
And this was posted in the comments section:
Since I found Yehuda Moon last year, it has become one of my favorite comic strips. I enjoyed the contrast between Yehuda, and Joe King; the commuter vs. the racer. Non-cyclists may not get some of the humor, but the rest of us are nodding our heads and smirking in understanding.Sorry about not keeping everyone updated! Yehuda returns tomorrow (today's strip is just another fill-in from the hiatus), Wednesday, June 17th.
Welcome back, Rick, Yehuda, and Joe. You have been missed.
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