Yes, I'm serious. Let me explain...
I saw this flyer in one of my favorite bike shops last week,

An 8-person bicycle relay race from Salt Lake City, to St. George. OH MY HECK! That sounds so cool! I seriously want to do this, I just need 7 friends who would be willing (read: crazy enough to think this sounds fun) to ride their bicycles from here to there over a 24 hour period.
It isn't as bad as it sounds. It is a relay race, and with 400 miles and 8 riders, each team member will only ride about 50 miles total, and that will be broken down into 10-20 mile segments throughout the day (and night).
Oh, we will need 2 drivers, and 2 vans capable of holding 4 bikes each.
Who's in? Go to for more info.
when is it anyway? i didn't think you were going to do it.
You and I both know that I don't have 7 friends, let alone 7 friends who ride. I still think it sounds like a cool ride, and I would love to do it some year
You need to put this call out to some of the crazy SelectHealth peeps who love to do that. I would die after mile 25.
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