03 October 2011


The word of the day – more like the past month – is neglect.
I’ve neglected my bikes, I’ve neglected riding, and I’ve neglected this blog.

My basement is in complete disarray, all of my bikes need some kind of maintenance, and they are patiently waiting for me to get around to it. The workbench is cluttered with used water bottles in need of a washing, tools and assorted parts. And, the cycling-related laundry is starting to accumulate.

I’ve only been on one decent ride in the past month and a half. I haven’t even been consistent in going out for the weekly Saturday morning ride with my friends.

Most obvious to you, I’m sure is the scarcity of posts in the past month. I have three blog posts – reviews of products that I have been given or loaned – that I need to write, but haven’t found the will to write them yet.

I’ve fallen into a slump and I’m having trouble climbing out of it. It’s almost like a seasonal depression, brought on by daylight savings, shorter days, and the start of the school year.

Yesterday, the wife and I went for a drive up the canyon to take a look at nature’s palate of fall colors, and all I could think of was how beautiful fall riding is, along a tree-lined trail with the leaves falling from the trees, and the crunch of them under my tires. Maybe that is what I need to lift me out of this slump, Maybe the desire to ride through the changing colors of fall is enough to get me to stop neglecting things.


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