15 June 2008

The day after

Welcome to the first remote post of Confessions of a bike junkie. I am coming to you at 7:46 am on a beautiful Sunday morning from the lobby of the Crystal Inn in Brigham City. I highly recommend this hotel, it is very clean, they have nice sheets, the pool is the perfect temperature, and they have soy milk available for breakfast - an important detail for us vegetarians.

Enough about the hotel, after all, this blog is not about rating hotels, it is about my fixation with bicycles, and all things bicycle.

Well, my prediction about my current state with Friday's post title came true, I am sore. Very sore. At the start of the ride yesterday, I was still debating doing the century route. I was planning on doing the metric century (67 miles) and only maybe doing the full 100 miles. As I was going along, I was feeling real good - better than I assumed I would be feeling for having so few miles under my wheels previously this year.

Sorry for the pause - even though you were not aware of it. Now I am coming to you from the comfort of my couch in my living room. I was interrupted in the hotel lobby by some cycling friends who stayed over another day as well, and figured that it would be best if I continued this at a later time.

Okay, where was I... When I reached the junction where I could either turn and go up the mountain towards Promontory point, or turn and follow the 67 mile course, I decided that I felt good enough to continue on with the 100 miles, and headed off towards Promontory point. Climbing Promontory point in the past has been more of several smaller climbs. By that I mean that I would stop several times along the climb and rest. This time I decided that stopping was failure, and I was not going to fail. Granted, my speed going up the hill got down to 4.5 mph at one point, but I never stopped. Another one of those small victories in life!

The rest of the ride was fairly uneventful. I sometimes rode solo, other times I hooked on with several other cyclists in a paceline to cheat the wind. I got to the lunch stop in pretty good time (for me, that is), and after lunch is where the real fun began. I decided that I needed to continue on with the 100 mile course at this point, and I was able to get in with a group of friends leaving the lunch stop. Problem is that is also where the wind picked up, and we had a strong headwind the entire 30 miles from the rest stop back to the finish line. Even in a paceline 10 cyclists strong, we were only able to manage 15 mph. The wind completely sapped my strength. the last10 miles I was only pulling about 11 mph, and felt like my feet, back, and shoulders were on fire. Still, I made it! 104 miles. Dinner and post-ride festivities later, we headed back to the hotel where we went swimming for about 2 hours. Just floating in the pool felt soooooo good after the ride. We finally got the kids settled down around 9:00, and I promptly fell asleep then also.

All being said, I am glad that I decided to do the century route, and I can't wait to do it again next year. We have already booked the hotel room. Thanks to everyone who made this ride possible, the committee members, volunteers, and bike shops who gave their time to help.

7:32 in the morning. 6+ hours to go

My very own cheering section!

Here I come down the final stretch.

Such a great picture of Jackson and me.

Tired, must sleep.

My friend "H" rode the entire 100 miles on a fixed gear. That's tough!

1 comment:

Kelly Hill said...

Not enough words to express the pride we feel in you! You're so amazing to jump on that bike and make such a journey. It's for an amazing cause as well!!! Way to go, Hon! You're incredible!!!

Oh yeah, I loved the pool too! It was fun to be in there with you and the kids. Can't wait until next year!

Love you, k